Building a Deck

If your deck is higher than 0.6 m above finished grade, you will need to obtain both development and building permits.

There are many choices to make when you build a deck. Do you build a multi-level, raised or basic deck? What kind of wood should you use?

Regardless of your choices, you need to become familiar with the City's building regulations before you build.

The City of St. Albert regulates decks on residential properties. You do not need a development or building permit if the deck is 0.6 metres (two feet) or less above finished grade. However, your deck must meet the setback requirements outlined in the Land Use Bylaw. If your deck is higher than 0.6 m above finished grade, you will need to obtain both development and building permits.

A rear yard deck less than 1.5 m in height must be located at least 1.0 m from the side and 3.0 m from the rear property lines. If the deck in the rear yard is higher than 1.5 m, it must be set back at least 5.0 m from the side and rear property lines.

A development officer may reduce this requirement if it is determined that the 5.0 m setback is not required due to site conditions and the deck meets the setbacks of the principal building. In the front yard, decks should be set back at least 6.0 m from the front property line.

Covered decks are considered additions to existing dwellings and are subject to Land Use Bylaw requirements governing houses. Decks less than 0.6 m above finished grade may be built to the interior side property line.


Inspection of the work must be requested at the following stages:

  • Prior to filling concrete piles.
  • Upon completion of the project.

General Requirements

  • Contact Building Inspection Services at 780-418-6601 at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Decks more than 6’-0” above finished ground level must be supported by a foundation conforming to Article of the National Building Code – 2019 Alberta Edition. Where less than 6’-0” above grade, an accessible leveling system for each support post may be provided in lieu of a foundation.
  • Wood posts supporting a deck more than 2’-0” above ground level shall be securely fastened to the supported beam and be laterally braced to resist racking.
  • A minimum 900mm (36”) high guard/railing is required on the perimeter of a deck, balcony, veranda and stairs where the difference in elevation exceeds 600mm (2'-0”) above adjacent deck or ground level.
  • A minimum 42” high guard/ railing is required where the difference in elevation exceeds 1800mm (6'-0”) above adjacent deck or ground level.
  • Openings through a guard/ railing shall be of a size to prevent the passage of a 100mm (4”) diameter spherical object unless it can be shown that the location and size of these openings do not represent a hazard.
  • Glass used in the construction of guards/ railings shall be laminated or tempered safety glass.
  • Stairs shall be constructed with a maximum 200mm (8”) rise and a minimum 255mm (10”) tread depth. The rise and run shall be uniform for the entire flight of the stair.
  • Ensure positive drainage away from the foundation wall in the area below a deck and extend downspouts where necessary.

Application Checklist

To receive a timely decision on your application, please ensure that your application is clear, legible and accurate. If any part of your application is missing, unreadable or inaccurate, your application will be deemed incomplete, and a decision will not be rendered.

Your application must include

  1. Download and Complete the:
    Building / Development Permit Application Form
  2. Fees = $175.50, including:
    • Development permit - $80.00
    • Building permit - $91.00
    • Safety Codes - $4.50
  3. Two (2) copies of a site plan in metric (minimum scale 1:100) showing:
    • Easements
    • Utility rights-of-way
    • Foundation outline of dwelling with the proposed deck outlined including existing cantilevers, decks, and other necessary structures
    • dimensions of the deck
    • height of the deck
  4. Two (2) copies of elevation drawings (minimum scale 1:100) showing:
    • the exterior of the proposed deck including railings, stairs and finishing materials, such as wood
    • dimensioned height from grade on all elevations

* Please note that these rates may change without notice

Each site plan or elevation plan should include the address, legal description, and contact information.

The development authority may require additional material necessary to properly evaluate the proposed development (stated in Section 3.3 of the City of St. Albert Land Use Bylaw 9/2005). In most cases, an application is deemed complete if the material outlined is provided.


Deck Building Permit Brochure

Development Applications & Forms


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Last edited: December 18, 2023