Site Servicing Permits
A Site Servicing Permit is required for the connection of all underground site servicing from private property to the City of St. Albert mains. This includes:
- Water distribution
- Wastewater collection
- Stormwater collection
The requirement for this permit applies to commercial, institutional and multi-family development. Depending on the construction schedule, a Site Servicing Permit (SSP) can be submitted for all three service connections at once or any combination of separate connections. The Site Servicing permit must be approved and an On-Street Construction Permit (OSCP) in place before the contractor is authorized to perform any construction activity on-site. It takes seven (7) business days for approval of the Site Servicing Permit, upon receipt of a complete SSP application.
Please do not confuse the SSP and applicable fees with the Building Sewer & Water Permit that is issued by the Building Inspections Branch in conjunction with the Building Permit.
How do I obtain a Site Servicing Permit?
The general process is as follows:
- The Site Servicing Permit (SSP) application can be submitted by email to jfenton@stalbert.ca
- An SSP is required for projects completed under a development agreement (DA); however, no SSP fees are required as inspection fees are captured within the DA.
- The SSP fees for projects completed under a development permit (DP) are based on a quantity take-off of site servicing infrastructure and the assigned values from the Master Rates Bylaw (Schedule U - Engineering Fees). Fees which are less than $10,000.00 can be paid by credit card, debit or certified cheque. Fees which are greater than $10,000.00 shall be paid by certified cheque only.
- A complete application package must be submitted a minimum of seven (7) business days prior to the proposed construction start date. The SSP application will be processed only after it has been reviewed and deemed complete by the City Administration.
- The application must be dated and signed.
- The applicant must provide a detailed Work Plan for each service connection and a Contingency (Emergency) Plan for the water service connection. See the description/definition below.
- An OSCP must be submitted and approved prior to the start of construction.
- All service connections must be inspected by the correct City of St. Albert inspector prior to backfill.
What is a Work Plan?
The Work Plan is a written description (point form is fine) detailing the procedures employed in the completion of the work including such items as the type of connection, pipe material, testing procedures and inspections, etc.
A separate Work Plan is required for water, wastewater (sanitary) and stormwater.
What is a Contingency Plan?
The Contingency (Emergency) Plan outlines the procedures employed in the event of an emergency while connecting to the City water supply. Please provide a drawing that clearly indicates the location of the isolation valves needed to shut down the water supply. In addition, provide a written description of these isolation valve locations in the Contingency (Emergency) Plan.
The SSP application must be based upon a civil engineering drawing submission that has been reviewed and accepted by Engineering Services.
Water and Wastewater Work Procedures
Sample Documents
Sample Work and Contingency Plans I
Sample Work and Contingency Plans II
Sample Location Map showing Water Isolation Valves
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Last edited: August 8, 2024