Where Can I Consume?

Please note: all municipalities and provinces have different rules. What may be legal in one area, may not be in another. It is your responsibility to ensure you know what is legal wherever you are.

What You Need to Know


St. Albert's Cannabis Consumption Bylaw (Bylaw 30/2018) regulates the consumption of cannabis within St. Albert. The minimum age for purchase and consumption in Alberta is 18 years old. 

  • There will be no smoking, vaping or consuming cannabis in any public place in St. Albert. For a complete description of areas that are considered public places, review the Cannabis Consumption Bylaw - Section 2(l).
    • The City of St. Albert does not regulate cannabis use on private property.
  • Live in a condo or apartment? Condo boards and landlords may set regulations. 
  • Medicinal cannabis users will be allowed to smoke and vape cannabis in the same places as outlined in the Smoking Bylaw (Bylaw 1/2004).


  • The minimum age for purchase and consumption in Alberta is 18 years old.
  • Consuming cannabis in a vehicle is illegal.
  • Driving high is illegal.
  • Cannabis can’t be within reach of anyone in a vehicle.
  • 30 grams of cannabis is the most you can buy or carry at a time.
  • Only four plants can be grown per household.
  • Cannabis can only be purchased from licensed stores or albertacannabis.org
  • Kids are not allowed to enter cannabis stores, even with an adult.


The fines and penalties for contraventions of the Cannabis Consumption Bylaw are the same as those found in the Smoking Bylaw, namely a $250 fine, or, on summary conviction, a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to an order of imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. 

For further information on the federal and provincial governments rules:

Cannabis Legalization in Alberta

Cannabis in Canada

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Last edited: December 10, 2024