Dog Information
You and Your Dog
For many people, dogs become just like another member of the family. To ensure the best experience for you and your dog, please remember the following:
Lost Dog?
- Call the St. Albert RCMP at 780-458-7700; your dog may have been picked up by an officer and could be temporarily housed in the kennels at the detachment.
- If your dog is NOT at the Detachment, please call the Edmonton Humane Society at 780-471-1774. Once a dog is picked up by an officer and not claimed in a short time, the dog is then taken to the boarding facility at the Edmonton Humane Society.
On-Leash & Off-Leash Areas
- Dogs will be required to be on a leash (two (2) metres or less) in all public areas except as permitted in off-leash areas.
- Dogs will only be permitted off-leash in off-leash areas when there are no organized sporting activities taking place.
- Dog owners will be required to produce a leash two (2) metres or less in length, even in off-leash areas, when requested by an officer.
Prohibited Areas
- Dogs are not allowed in playground areas or tot lots.
Keep Your Dog Under Control
Your dog must be kept under complete control at all times. A dog, on-leash or off, must be prevented from making unwanted approaches towards other animals or people.
Clean Up After Your Dog
Dog waste can irritate neighbours and spread disease among other animals. Pick up after your dog and dispose of the droppings in a refuse container.
Dog waste bag dispensers are located throughout the city. Your use of them helps to support responsible pet ownership and maintain a clean and beautiful city.
Your dog must also be prevented from barking excessively. If your dog is a problem barker, there are simple, effective and inexpensive ways to control this behaviour. Contact your veterinarian or a dog trainer for more information.
Dogs Left Unattended in Vehicles
During hot weather, the temperature inside a vehicle can be high enough to cause brain damage, suffocation and even death. Every year the Municipal Enforcement Service responds to complaints of pets left in vehicles. Many animals die annually in Alberta from this careless act. When the weather is warm, leave your dog at home as even ten minutes in the car is too long.
The Municipal Enforcement Service investigates and enforces violations of Animal Bylaws and fees as outlined in Animal Bylaw 11/2013, as well as the Animal Protection Act and Dangerous Dogs Act. (The latter two Acts are available on the Alberta Government website.)
More Information:
Edmonton Humane SocietyTopics in this section
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Last edited: February 10, 2021