Sign Information
The City of St. Albert regulates the use of signs through Traffic Bylaw 18/2005, which empowers Municipal Enforcement Services to respond to calls for the service, investigation and enforcement of sign infractions on City-owned land while the Department of Planning & Development handles those responsibilities on private property.
Signs not requiring a permit
Garage Sale Signs
Garage sale signs are permitted to be placed on City property; however, they must follow the following guidelines.
A garage sale sign may be placed on a boulevard in a residential district if the garage sale sign:
- is self-supported;
- does not exceed 0.6 metres in width;
- does not exceed 1.0 m in height; and
- is posted no more than 24 hours prior to the advertised event and no more than 24 hours following the advertised event.
In addition, a garage sale sign cannot:
- interfere, detract, be confused or be placed on a traffic control device or another municipal device such as a tree, light pole or traffic sign;
- interfere with the movement of pedestrians and/or vehicles be placed on a road or median;
- be placed on/within a vehicle/trailer - unless it is classified as a Motor Vehicle Sign;
- be placed within 30.5 m of any intersection.
A person is permitted to hold a maximum of three garage sales per calendar year. After three garage sales, the person must apply for a Business License and the appropriate Development Permits.
Real Estate Signs
Open House Signs are permitted to be placed on a boulevard; however, they cannot:
- Be posted more than 24 hours prior to the event and cannot remain in place for more than 24 hours after the event;
- Interfere with, be confused with, detract from or be placed on a traffic control device, municipal sign, or another municipal device;
- Be placed on a road or median;
- Be placed within 5 metres of a fire hydrant or emergency use equipment;
- Interfere with sightlines near roadways;
- Interfere with the movement of pedestrians and/or vehicles;
- Be placed within 30.5 m of any intersection.
Signs that CANNOT be placed on public and/or City-owned property are:
- New Listing
- House for Sale
- House for Rent/Lease
Election Signs
- no size restriction;
- may be placed on certain roadways only (Schedule 9 of the Traffic Bylaw);
- must be placed no earlier than noon on a nomination day/election writ day and removed no later than 48 hours following the closing of polling stations;
- cannot be located on City-owned land that has a City facility on it, such as City Hall or the RCMP station.
Important Information
All Signs on City Property Cannot:
- interfere with, be confused with, detract from or be placed on a Traffic Control Device, sign, or another municipal device, such as a light pole;
- be placed within five m of a fire hydrant or emergency use equipment;
- interfere with sightlines near roadways;
- interfere with the movement of pedestrians and/or vehicles;
- be placed on a road or median;
- be placed on/within a vehicle/trailer (unless it is classified as a Motor Vehicle Sign);
- be placed within 30.5 m of any intersection.
If any sign is in contravention of the Traffic Bylaw 18/2005, it may be seized and subject to charges under section 51(1) of the Bylaw. ($150 specified penalty for each offence or sign.)
In addition, if a sign is permitted but is in a state of disrepair, interferes with City Maintenance operations, or a safety or emergency situation, the sign may be seized.
Other Sign Types
If the proposed sign type is not listed above as being a permitted sign (i.e., new listing, house for rent, garbage to the dump, painters, etc.), it is therefore prohibited and may be seized and subject to charges under 51(1) of Traffic Bylaw 18/2005. ($150 specified penalty for each offence or sign.)Related Pages
Last edited: May 31, 2023