Older Adult and Age-Friendly Resources
Looking for programs and services available to older adults, seniors and caregivers in St. Albert?
211 Alberta
- 211 Alberta is a centralized navigation support system to help Albertans find what they need. 211 is staffed by community resource specialists to provide support 24/7.
- Seniors and those who support them can find senior-specific information by accessing the Seniors Information Phone Line, a service offered by 211 Edmonton.
- Phone: 2-1-1
(then press “2” for the Seniors Information Phone Line)
- Phone: 2-1-1
- For those who prefer online services, 211 Alberta also offers an online database and live chat service
- St. Albert-specific 211 Resource Sheet for Older Adults and Seniors
- Seniors and those who support them can find senior-specific information by accessing the Seniors Information Phone Line, a service offered by 211 Edmonton.
Leisure, Recreation and Social Engagement
- St. Albert Seniors Association provides many recreation, leisure and social activities. They have a friendly call or home visit program as well.
- Website: stalbertseniors.ca
- Phone: 780-459-0433 ext. 0
- The St. Albert Public Library offers knitting, scrabble, cribbage, and book clubs; Homebound Delivery Service for residents of St. Albert who are unable to visit the library due to a temporary or permanent illness or disability and have no family or friend close by who can help out; public computer access, Wi-Fi, printing and fax services.
- Website: sapl.ca
- Phone: 780-459-1530 (Downtown)
- Phone: 780-544-0444 (Jensen Lakes)
- City of St. Albert
- St. Albert recreation facilities have many drop in and registered programs and activities for residents aged 50+, such as pickleball and shinny hockey, Aquafit, older adult strength training, dance, and more.
- Website: stalbert.ca/rec
- Phone: 780-418-6088
- St. Albert art and culture programs and culture partners like potters, quilting, painting and paper guilds, and more.
- Website: stalbert.ca/exp/arts-culture
- Phone: 780-459-1600
- St. Albert Recreation Subsidy Program supports low-income individuals and families to participate in the City's recreation facilities and programs.
- Website: stalbert.ca/subsidy
- Phone: 780-459-1756
- St. Albert recreation facilities have many drop in and registered programs and activities for residents aged 50+, such as pickleball and shinny hockey, Aquafit, older adult strength training, dance, and more.
- Neutral Ground hosts social gathering events with a variety of activities, every second Saturday at various locations.
- Website: neutral-ground.ca
Transportation (medical and non-medical)
- St. Albert Seniors Association: Assisted transportation program to medical appointments (for low-income individuals aged 50+). Also operates a door-to-door bus service for non-medical and medical reasons Tuesdays through Fridays between 8:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.
- Website: stalbertseniors.ca/services/transportation
- Phone: 780-459-0433 ext. 0
- St. Albert Transit
- Handibus Service (door-to-door)
- Website: stalbert.ca/handibus
- Phone: 780-418-6060
- Transit Subsidy Program
- Website: stalbert.ca/subsidy
- Phone: 780-459-1756
- Handibus Service (door-to-door)
- Drive Happiness Seniors Assisted Transportation program: Do you have a medical appointment? Need to do some shopping or banking? We provide low cost transportation.
- Website: drivehappiness.ca
- Phone: 780-424-5438
Information, Referrals and Advocacy
- St. Albert Community Village and Food Bank offers a one-to-one community liaison, referrals and service navigation for all ages.
- Website: stalbertfoodbankandcommunityvillage.com
- Phone:
- St. Albert Seniors Association helps navigate systems and outreach.
- Website: stalbertseniors.ca
- Phone: 780-459-0599 (ext. 3)
- City of St. Albert Family and Community Support Services community support workers provide referrals and system navigation.
- Website: stalbert.ca/support-worker
- Phone: 780-459-0433 (ext. 0)
- St. Albert Further Education offers a Newcomer Connection Program and navigator.
- Website: stalbertfurthered.com/newcomer-connection
- Phone: 780-460-2236
- St. Albert Public Library provides information workshops, public computer access, Wi-Fi, printing, fax and a Career Resource Centre
- Website: sapl.ca
- Phone: 780-459-1682
- Stop Abuse in Families has a service navigator to connect clients with appropriate resources.
- Website: saifsociety.ca
- Phone: 780-460-2195
Seniors Housing and Home Supports
- City of St. Albert Seniors Housing Information and Directory
- Website: stalbert.ca/seniors-housing
- St. Albert Seniors Association has an outreach worker/navigator. Call to make an appointment.
- Website: stalbertseniors.ca
- Phone: 780-459-0433 (ext. 0)
- St. Albert Community Village and Food Bank has a community liaison/navigator. Call to make an appointment.
- Website: stalbertfoodbankandcommunityvillage.com
- Phone: 780-459-0599 (ext. 3)
- Government of Alberta
Website: alberta.ca- Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) provides funding for medical equipment and supplies
- Website: alberta.ca/alberta-aids-to-daily-living
- Phone: 780-427-0731
- Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) allows low-income Albertans with mobility challenges to apply for grants to modify their homes.
- Website: alberta.ca/residential-access-modification-program
- Phone: 780-427-5760
- Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP)
- Website: alberta.ca/seniors-home-adaptation-repair-program
- Toll Free: 1-877-644-9992
(in Alberta)
- Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) provides funding for medical equipment and supplies
- Alberta Health Services provides adult services, home and community care, Continuing Care Homes type A and B, palliative care, adult day programs and CHOICE (Comprehensive Home Option of Integrated Care for the Elderly).
- Website: albertahealthservices.ca
- Phone: 780-496-1300
Financial and Legal Support
- The following agencies sometimes offer community information sessions related to financial and legal support to St. Albert residents:
- St. Albert Community Village and Food Bank offers: CRA Volunteer Income Tax Program, Application support for Income Assistance, Financial Literacy Programs and St. Albert Utility Relief Program.
- Website: stalbertfoodbankandcommunityvillage.com
- Phone: 780-459-0599
- Government of Alberta
- Service Canada offers the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security programs.
- Website: canada.ca/en
- Edmonton Community Legal Centre gives free legal information and advice to low to moderate income.
- Website: eclc.ca
- Phone: 780-702-1725
- Money Mentors is a credit counselling and debt consolidation agency which offers workshops on financial literacy and plan for retirement.
- Website: moneymentors.ca
- Toll Free: 1-888-294-0076
- In Alberta: 403-265-2201
Physical, Mental Health and Well-being
- Alberta Health Services
- Health Link offers 24/7 information about adult day programs; addiction and mental health; adult community services; domestic abuse response team; community audiology services; community health centre locations; continuing care homes; immunizations; public health services; respiratory therapy).
- Website: albertahealthservices.ca
- Phone: 8-1-1
- Adult Intake Services (available 24/7)
- Website: albertahealthservices.ca
- Phone: 780-424-2424
- Find a Doctor
- Primary Care Network Doctor Directory
- Physician Directory
- Health Link offers 24/7 information about adult day programs; addiction and mental health; adult community services; domestic abuse response team; community audiology services; community health centre locations; continuing care homes; immunizations; public health services; respiratory therapy).
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
- Website: edmonton.cmha.ca
- Seniors' Abuse Helpline (24/7)
- Phone: 780-454-8888
- 988 Suicide Crisis Helpline
- Call or text: 9-8-8
- Stop Abuse in Families Society
Elder Abuse Response Program (for those 50+)- Website: saifsociety.ca
- Phone: 780-460-2195 ext. 305
- St. Albert Seniors Association foot care clinics
- Website: stalbertseniors.ca
- Phone: 780-459-0433 ext.0
Food and Nutrition
- St. Albert Community Village and Food Bank offers a food hamper program and Cultural Collective Kitchen.
- WECAN Food Basket Society offers affordable food baskets.
- Website: wecanfood.com
- Phone: 780-413-4525
(St. Albert Depot Location)
- St. Albert Seniors Association:
- Red Willow Bistro
- Phone: 780-459-0433
- Meals on Wheels (pick up or delivery)
- Website: stalbertseniors.ca
- Phone: 780-459-0433 ext.6
- Red Willow Bistro
Caregiver Support
- St. Albert Sturgeon Hospice Association (SASHA) offers one-to-one support and respite, compass for caregivers' courses and caregiver support groups.
- Website: sasha-cares.com
- Phone: 587-921-1345
- Alberta Health Services home care adult services
- Website: albertahealthservices.ca
- Phone: 780-496-1300
- ElderDog Canada offers help for seniors 55+ with dog care and bereavement support.
- Website: elderdog.ca
- Phone: 1-855-336-4226
- The Good Samaritan Society TeleCare (help button)
- Website: goodsamaritantelecare.com
- Phone: 780-431-3630
- Yellow Pages telephone book contains private home-care services; look up ‘Home Health Services’.
- Website: yellowpages.ca
Palliative, Hospice, and Life-Limiting Illness Supports
- St. Albert Sturgeon Hospice Association Compassionate Care Volunteer Program
- Website: sasha-cares.com
- 587-921-1345
- St. Albert Bereavement Fellowship Support Group Meetings
- Website: stalbertbereavement.ca
- 780-709-4779 (Resa H.)
- 780-719-6228 (Laura M.)
- Alberta Health Services: Palliative & End-of-Life Care (PEOLC)
- Website: albertahealthservices.ca
Diversity/Inclusion Supports
- St. Albert Family and Community Support Services: welcoming and inclusive communities information.
- Website: stalbert.ca/city/fcss/inclusive
- Phone: 780-459-1756
- St. Albert Further Education: Newcomer Connection Centre
- Website: stalbertfurthered.com/newcomer-connection
- Phone: 780-460-2236
- St. Albert Public Library settlement services for newcomers are provided in the library by Edmonton Immigrant Services Association staff.
- Website: sapl.ca
- Government of Alberta
- Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) provides funding for medical equipment and supply.
- Phone: 780-427-0731
- Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) allows low-income Albertans with mobility challenges to apply for grants to modify their homes.
- Website: alberta.ca/residential-access-modification-program
- Phone: 780-427-5760
- Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) provides funding for medical equipment and supply.
- St. Albert-Sturgeon County Metis Local District #1904: Community and cultural supports, women’s program, Metis family gatherings, monthly soup and Bannock, community tea and Bannock.
- Website: stalbertmetislocal1904.org
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Last edited: December 10, 2024