Family Violence Prevention
November is Family Violence Prevention Month. The City of St. Albert has partnered with 40 social agencies across the province to Keep it REAL in November. Learn more
Have you experienced or are currently experiencing or witnessing violence or abuse?
If you are experiencing abuse, know that it's not your fault. If you have witnessed violence or abuse, there are ways you can help.
Family violence encompasses many forms of abuse and can inflict extensive, long-lasting harm upon its victims, even when only witnessed.
Since supporting survivors is one of the best ways to stop the cycle of family violence, and since most survivors go first to family or friends for help, Keep it REAL is an acronym that represents four types of support:
- RECOGNIZING when something seems off;
- EMPATHIZING with the person’s thoughts and feelings;
- ASKING questions to get a better sense of the situation and how best to support, and;
- LISTENING as the person describes the experience from their point of view.
What else can I do?
- Download a PDF that outlines the REAL strategies with simple to repeat phrases.
- Sign up for one of two free virtual workshops, offered by Sagesse, an Alberta-based domestic abuse prevention agency.
- Access resources for fostering and recognizing healthy relationships
St. Albert Purple Chairs
The City of St. Albert and St. Albert RCMP have partnered to install two purple chairs north of the Children’s Bridge on Red Willow Trail (Google Maps).
The chairs have plaques on the arms providing help numbers for those experiencing abuse and for helpers to share including the Alberta Family Violence Info Line, Hope for Wellness Helpline for Indigenous People and Kids Help Phone.
These purple chairs are inspired by Barb’s Benches, an initiative started in Nova Scotia ten years ago to honour a woman named Barbara Baillie, who was murdered by her husband of 25 years. Each of Barb’s purple benches is a colourful memorial to women killed by their partners, as well as a source of information for people facing domestic violence who don’t know where to turn.
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Last edited: October 31, 2024