Nakî Transit Centre & Park and Ride
Located at 15520 Campbell Road, the new Nakî Transit Centre & Park and Ride (previously referred to as the Campbell Road Park and Ride Transit Centre) serves as the City’s principal transit and operation station.
On August 30, 2020, the facility replaced Village Transit Station, on Grange Drive, which could no longer meet parking demands.
While parking capacity is expandable to 1,600 spaces, the facility currently accommodates 800 vehicles on paved stalls. The transit station has the capacity for 16 buses; expandable to 24.
The new facility also includes a transit centre building, separate public and driver washroom facilities, bicycle storage facilities, parking for those riders who have special needs, and a pick-up and drop off “kiss and ride” area for commuters.
This transportation hub will not only facilitate quick and easy movement between St. Albert, Edmonton and the rest of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region, but also serve as an integral part of the long-term vision of bringing Light Rail Transit to St. Albert.
Where is the facility located?
The Nakî Transit Centre & Park and Ride is located at 15520 Campbell Road
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Last edited: March 18, 2024