Special Events Park and Ride

StAT provides Park & Ride service to several events throughout the year.

Edmonton Elks Park & Ride

St. Albert Transit is pleased to welcome our partner, Edmonton Transit, to the Nakî Transit Centre for Park & Ride services to the Edmonton Elks football games.  

Park & Ride service starts 2 hours before game time and ends approximately 1.5 hours after the game ends (or earlier if the stadium is deemed clear).

Your game-day ticket is valid fare on the Park & Ride service.  If you do not have a valid game-day ticket, regular ETS fares will apply.

Park & Ride service will be available for the following Edmonton Elks games:

September 7, 2024Edmonton vs Calgary
September 21, 2024Edmonton vs Winnipeg
October 5, 2024Edmonton vs Saskatchewan
October 25, 2024Edmonton vs Toronto


St. Albert Farmer's Market Park & Ride

St. Albert Transit is pleased to provide a FREE park & ride service from the St. Albert Centre Exchange to the St. Albert Farmer's Market every Saturday from June 8 to October 12, 2024.  The park & ride service will run every 20 minutes between 9:40 a.m. and 3:20 p.m.

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Last edited: September 3, 2024