Ambulance and General Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable invoices are issued for goods and services provided by the City of St. Albert, including ambulance services, advertising, rent and more.

Please note: Our Accounts Receivable department does not deal with taxation or utility services payments. Please contact those departments directly for assistance.

Payment Options

You can pay invoices online, in person, at the bank, by mail or over the phone.

Please make cheques payable to the City of St. Albert and attach a remittance portion with your payment.

Online Banking

Available through most financial institutions, use the payee name “St. Albert Ambulance & AR”.


Payments can be made in person at City Hall (5 St. Anne Street, St. Albert). Accepted payment methods include cash, cheque, debit card and credit card. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

By Mail

Please do not send cash through the mail.

Over the Phone

You can make credit card payments by calling 780-459-1523.

Ambulance Invoices

If you have Alberta Blue Cross or Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan coverage, call our office at 780-459-1523 and provide us with your Blue Cross ID number, Group number, Alberta Personal Health Card number, and birth date of the patient. We will then direct bill Alberta Blue Cross on your behalf.

For those receiving support through any Government Program (AISH, ACHB, Alberta Works or Health Canada/Treaty), please call our office with your Recipient Card Number, Alberta Health Card Number, or Case Worker’s name and phone number, and we will direct bill Alberta Blue Cross on your behalf.

We do not directly bill other private or employer-provided insurance companies. Please pay your invoice through one of the methods listed above and submit your claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement. If your insurance company can pay us directly, please keep us informed of the status of your claim.

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Last edited: April 8, 2022