Candidate Eligibility

Before completing your Notice of Intent or Nomination Papers, please confirm eligibility.

To be eligible to be nominated as a candidate, an individual must be:

  • At least 18 years old on Nomination Day (September 22, 2025).
  • A Canadian citizen.
  • A resident of the City of St. Albert for the six consecutive months immediately preceding Nomination Day (September 22, 2025).
  • A resident of St. Albert on Election Day (October 20, 2025).
  • Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified under sections 22, 23 and 23.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act.

Prospective candidates must understand the full extent of their legislated obligations. The information contained on our site is provided as a guide, we encourage prospective candidates to seek independent legal advice as required. Individuals are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria in the Local Authorities Election Act prior to submitting a notice of intent.   


Please check back regularly as information on this page is subject to change and/or additional information may be posted. This information is provided as a courtesy to candidates and the City of St. Albert is in no way responsible for errors or omissions. Please consult the Local Authorities Election Act as a comprehensive guide to the election and the changes within. It is the responsibility of the candidate to read and understand the legislation and bylaw(s) concerning this election.

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Last edited: January 8, 2025