2021 Budget
COVID-19 made 2020 a challenging year on many accounts. City Administration actively managed its budget to reduce the estimated 2020 deficit from $14.5 M to a more manageable $500,000.
This reduction was achieved through a series of reallocations of resources, cost-saving initiatives, deferrals of projects, and changes in service levels as a result of COVID-19 closures, while at the same time maintaining core service provision through the pandemic.
As the situation continued to evolve, the City developed a 2021 budget that was conservative in order to account for the potential of continued lost revenues during 2021. As we ended up starting 2021 with ongoing closures and restrictions, financial management and the need to remain nimble are critical to our success in managing the financial impact of the pandemic which is truly unknown at this time.
Approved 2021 Budget Information
City Council approved the Financial Plan and 2020 Budget on December 21, 2020.
- Approved Financial Plan + 2021 Budget (Overview)
- Approved Financial Plan + 2021 Budget (Full Document)
Proposed 2021 Budget Information
- Proposed Financial Plan + 2021 Budget (Full version)
- Proposed Financial Plan + 2021 Budget (Overview)
- CAO Budget Presentation video
- Online Budget Engagement Results
Watch the video below for a message from our Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer. Related Pages
Last edited: September 1, 2022