Address Council
Council/Standing Committee Meetings
The public may register to speak to Council or a Standing Committee virtually or in-person at a meeting. Registered speakers have a time limit of five minutes to speak. The five minute time limit is to ensure that each and every speaker is treated fairly. Ensuring that some are not allowed more time than others.
If you desire to address Council or the Standing Committee of the Whole on a matter that does NOT appear on a published agenda, you must register at least five business days in advance of the meeting you wish to attend by sending an email to legislative@stalbert.ca indicating your desire to speak as well as: (a) the topic you wish to address; (b) your preference as to the date of the meeting at which you desire to speak. Your request will be taken to an Agenda Planning session and you will be informed by Legislative Services whether you have been scheduled to speak on that topic, and if so, the date of the meeting at which you have been scheduled to speak. Please note that requests to speak on topics NOT on an Agenda are at the discretion of the Mayor or Committee Chair and may or may not be granted. Requests to speak on a topic on which the requester has previously addressed Council or a Committee may not be granted. Requests received less than five business days prior to a Council or Committee meeting will normally not be scheduled for that meeting but may be scheduled for a subsequent meeting. For more information, please refer to Bylaw 24/2022 Schedule F of the Procedure Bylaw - "Public Presentations".
If you desire to address Council or the Standing Committee of the Whole on a matter that DOES appear on a published agenda, you may register to attend in person or virtually through email to legislative@stalbert.ca before the start of the meeting or sign up at the front door of the Council Chambers. If you are participating virtually, you will receive a reply email confirming your registration as a speaker and the Zoom link to the meeting. For more information, please refer to Bylaw 24/2022 Schedule F of the Procedure Bylaw - "Public Presentations".
The Chair of a Council or Standing Committee of the Whole meeting may, but is not obligated to, allow a person who has not registered in advance within the time limits set out above to address Council or the Standing Committee of the Whole.
Attending in-person
- Upon receipt of your email, you will be sent an email confirming your registration.
- Council Meetings are held in Council Chambers (3rd Floor, St. Albert Place). Standing Committee of the Whole Meetings are held in the Douglas Cardinal Boardroom (3rd Floor, St. Albert Place)
- Speakers will be invited to speak at the beginning of the meeting, or when the agenda item they wish to address comes up for Council/Committee’s consideration.
- The time limit of five minutes for an individual or a group will apply, subject to the discretion of the Chair.
Attending Electronically
- Upon receipt of your email, you will be sent an email confirming your registration. This email will include a Zoom link for the meeting.
- If you still desire to speak at that time, you will then join the meeting via the Zoom link at the start time of the meeting.
- Your computer mic will be muted by the meeting administrator until it is your turn to speak, at which time you may unmute yourself so that Council/Committee members and anyone else viewing the meeting by Zoom or YouTube will be able to hear what you say.
- Speakers will be invited to speak at the beginning of the meeting, or when the agenda item you wish to address comes up for Council/Committee’s consideration.
- The time limit of five minutes for an individual or a group, will still apply, subject to the discretion of the Chair.
Attending An Advisory Committee Meeting
If you wish to attend an Advisory Committee meeting, please visit our Boards and Committees page to learn more about the registration process. Related Pages
Last edited: September 20, 2023