Published on January 15, 2025
Take Care Out There
Feeling blue? Blue Monday is just around the corner on Jan. 20 and although it has been debunked as a marketing gimmick, it can be a difficult time of year for people. This could be related to the end of the holiday season, higher than normal credit card bills, pressure from New Year’s resolutions, and the continuation of dark and cold days.
Gimmick or not, January can be a really tough time for everyone and it’s important to recognize this so we can prioritize taking care of our mental health, and the mental health of those around us.
On Jan. 19, FCSS will be partnering with Neutral Ground for Sunday at the Library, where wellness bags filled with mental health resources and comforting wellness items will be distributed. They will be encouraging recipients to keep one for themselves, and to take one to share with someone who might need a bit of a boost. We hope this simple act of kindness promotes connection, reduces the stigma around mental health and reminds everyone that they are not alone.
While we wait for the snow to melt and the first signs of spring to bring a smile to our faces, here are some quick ways that you can add more joy to your winter days:
- Get outside! Although we never know what weather Alberta will bring, find some time to get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Whether you’re working from home or are in the office, a lunchtime walk can be a great way to reduce stress and re-energize your mind for the rest of the day ahead.
- Find some time for yourself. Although this is easier said than done as many of us navigate the world of overlapping responsibilities, but even just 20 minutes at the beginning or end of the day to reconnect with yourself and do something you enjoy can add fun, fulfillment, and renewed purpose to the day.
- Power down. In a time when many of us are in front of our screens for meetings, managing day-to-day tasks, placing grocery orders, and social media use, one of the best things you can do for your brain is disconnect for a little while. Before bedtime, calm your mind and settle in for sleep by choosing to do a bit of journalling. Getting worries and stress down on paper will help clear your head so you can enjoy a more peaceful sleep. The words will be there for you tomorrow if you still need them, and if you don’t, they’re no longer taking up space in your thoughts.
While these may have been just a few examples of ways to focus on self-care this month (view the full list of 30 Days of Self-Care), the most important thing to remember is to seek support when you need it. Mental well-being is an important part of your personal health, and it is critical to maintaining balance in your life.
Small steps can have big impacts, but more than that, if you are struggling, reach out. Help is available. There are people you can connect with who are committed to your well-being and you are not alone!
View more mental wellness resources
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Last edited: January 15, 2025