For Immediate Release / December 6, 2024
Update on City of St. Albert Photo Enforcement Sites
The City of St. Albert is assessing information received from the Government of Alberta on December 1, 2024, regarding changes to Automated Traffic Enforcement and is reviewing all impacts of the policy changes, including impacts to services and taxes.
Automated traffic enforcement was temporarily suspended in all locations except red light cameras by the City’s contractor from December 1 to 5, 2024. Automated traffic enforcement services will now resume in school zones (and red light cameras will continue) effective December 6, 2024.
The City, and its contractor, are still determining next steps about additional service delivery changes in the coming weeks and months. The City of St. Albert will continue to collaborate with the Government of Alberta, the St. Albert RCMP and its photo enforcement contractor on automated traffic enforcement. We will continue to make necessary plans to ensure our ongoing and continued compliance with the Province’s direction.
Enforcement is a key tool to help keep our streets safe, but it is only one piece of the City’s overall traffic safety program, which also includes engineering, education and evaluation. The City, and the RCMP, are exploring options to increase traditional in-person speed enforcement.
We continue to be committed to traffic safety and the safety of all road users throughout our community. Further updates will be shared on the City's website.
For more information on St. Alberta’s automated enforcement program, check out:
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Last edited: December 6, 2024