For Immediate Release / March 27, 2024
Fire Services Member Nationally Recognized As Mental Health Champion
The City of St. Albert is proud to announce that Vince Pashko, a dedicated member of St. Albert Fire Services, received the 2023 Champion of Mental Health Award from the Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and Treatment (CIPSRT).
Vince was one of 20 recipients for the 2023 awards program that received over 200 nominations from public safety sectors across Canada. Award recipients were selected based on their leadership in improving mental health in their organizations and individuals who truly “walk the talk” when supporting colleagues’ mental health.
Vince brings over 20 years of fire and paramedic service experience to the City of St. Albert and has shown exceptional insight into the challenges of his profession and the importance of resilience and self-care. Since 2023, Vince assumed a newly established role as the Mental Health Coordinator at the City and has worked to significantly bolster mental health support within the Emergency Services Department, prioritizing the well-being of his colleagues and challenging mental health misconceptions within the public safety sector. Recently Vince’s efforts have involved supporting the Before Occupational Stress program and advocating for the growth and expansion of existing member support programs such as reintegration, peer support, peer fitness and other wellness fitness initiatives at the City of St. Albert.
“The City congratulates Vince Pashko on receiving this significant Champion of Mental Health Award and thank him for his leadership in making mental health support a priority for our first responders,” says Mayor Heron, City of St. Albert. “His work and collaboration with internal and external partners is essential and reflects the City’s commitment to supporting mental health initiatives for those who keep our community safe 24 hours a day.”
CIPSRT, an organization based at the University of Regina, serves as a hub for strategic public safety wellness research and analysis. All nominations were reviewed by a selection committee that included past Mental Health Champions, members of the Public Safety Steering Committee, and CIPSRT staff.
Learn more about the Champion of Mental Health Award
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Last edited: March 28, 2024