For Immediate Release / July 23, 2024

City Rescinds Water Demand Management Measure - UPDATED


The City of St. Albert’s current Water Demand Management Measure “A” has been rescinded, effective immediately.  

The City appreciates the efforts by all residents and businesses who have, and continue to uphold, water conservation.  

Residents can continue to conserve water by doing the following:  

  • Use water from rain barrels until they are empty, before using municipal water for outdoor watering. 
  • Reduce water use, particularly during peak demand periods: 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 9 p.m.   
  • Turn the water off while brushing your teeth.  
  • Make sure that washing machines and dishwashers are full before using. 
  • Clean your sidewalks and driveways with a broom or brush, rather than a hose.  

For more information on indoor and outdoor water saving tips, visit 


Updated Release - July 23, 2024 @ 4:55 PM

The City of St. Albert’s Water Demand Management Measure has been downgraded from “B” to “A” effective immediately.  

This means the voluntary water restriction for residents and businesses has been lifted, but restrictions on the use of potable water continue to impact a reduced list of municipal operations and activities. 

Residents can continue to help conserve water by doing the following:  

  • Use water from rain barrels until they are empty, before using municipal water for outdoor watering. 
  • Reduce water use, particularly during peak demand periods: 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 9 p.m.   
  • Turn the water off while brushing your teeth.  
  • Make sure that washing machines and dishwashers are full before using. 
  • Suspend filling jacuzzis or hot tubs.  
  • Ensure you have a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for drinking, so you won’t have to let the water run to get cold water. 
  • Clean your sidewalks and driveways with a broom or brush, rather than a hose.  
  • Suspend washing vehicles and watering your lawn.   

Businesses, particularly those using large volumes of water, are asked to limit water use. 

The City appreciates the efforts by residents and businesses to conserve water and continues to closely monitor the situation if water demand conditions change.  

Learn more about Water Demand Management Measure "A"


Updated Release - July 22, 2024 @ 11:32 AM

The City of St. Albert is entering Water Demand Management Measure ”B” effective immediately. This means there are voluntary water restrictions in effect for residents, businesses and community organizations, and mandatory restrictions on non-essential potable water use for all municipal operations. 

The City has already discontinued its own non-essential activities involving potable water use, such as hydrant flushing, non-emergency sewer flushing, pool filling, street sweeping, construction water, dust abatement, park watering (except for trees within the first year of planting), firefighter training, bulk water stations, washing City fleet vehicles (including buses) and establishing indoor and outdoor ice surfaces (excluding ice maintenance). 

Versailles Park Splash Pad will also be closed. 

Residents can help conserve water by doing the following:  

  • Use water from rain barrels until they are empty, before using municipal water for outdoor watering. 
  • Reduce water use, particularly during peak demand periods: 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. 
  • Turn the water off while brushing your teeth. 
  • Make sure that washing machines and dishwashers are full before using. 
  • Suspend filling jacuzzis or hot tubs. 
  • Ensure you have a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for drinking, so you won’t have to let the water run to get cold water. 
  • Suspend washing vehicles and watering your lawn.  

Businesses, particularly those using large volumes of water, are also asked to limit water use. 

The City continues to closely monitor the situation and will provide updates if demand conditions change.  

Learn more about Water Demand Management Measure "B"


Original Release - July 22, 2024 @ 10:34 AM

The City of St. Albert is entering Water Demand Management Measure “A” effective immediately. This means there are mandatory restrictions on non-essential potable water use for all municipal operations. 

The City has discontinued non-essential activities involving potable water, including hydrant flushing, non-emergency sewer flushing, street sweeping, dust abatement, pool filling, park watering, firefighter training and washing City fleet vehicles. 

Residents can help conserve water by doing the following:  

  • Use water from rain barrels until they are empty, before using municipal water for outdoor watering. 
  • Reduce water use, particularly during peak demand periods: 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 9 p.m.   
  • Turn the water off while brushing your teeth.  
  • Make sure that washing machines and dishwashers are full before using. 
  • Suspend filling jacuzzis or hot tubs.  
  • Ensure you have a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for drinking, so you won’t have to let the water run to get cold water. 
  • Clean your sidewalks and driveways with a broom or brush, rather than a hose.  
  • Suspend washing vehicles and watering your lawn.  

Businesses, particularly those using large volumes of water, are also asked to limit water use. 

The City continues to closely monitor the situation and will provide updates if demand conditions change.  

Learn more about Water Demand Management Measure "A"

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Last edited: July 25, 2024