St. Albert Place Lifecycle and Facility Repair Project

Construction work in the St. Albert Public Library will begin on January 13, 2025, and will continue until the end of March 2025. The library will be open during construction, but some areas will not be accessible while certain work takes place. 

Visitors to the building can expect to hear occasional construction noise including but not limited to hammering, drilling, vacuuming and electrical saws. It is anticipated that short power outages may occur to implement electrical improvements to the building.

Please also be advised that a large scaffolding system in currently located by the south entrance doors of St. Albert Place to support building envelope work that is expected to last until March 2025.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we complete this work.

The Project

A multi-phase lifecycle and facility repair project for St. Albert Place began in early 2024 and is anticipated to take place until 2026. 

The building, which opened in 1983, requires necessary lifecycle repairs and replacement work to address the building’s structure, mechanical and electrical operating systems while also supporting energy efficiency and accessibility upgrades made possible by the Federal Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program. 

The first phase of work began in early 2024, though additional scope was added to renovate the first floor Community Services area from November 2023 to May 2024.

Additional phases of work are scheduled to take place in 2025 and 2026. Planning is still underway and more details will be provided at a future date.

The City will ensure that any impacts to leaseholders, residents and visitors will be as minimal as possible. These upgrades will not require St. Albert Place to be shut down for an extended period of time.

Work that is Required:

Work that will be completed as part of Phase 1 includes:

  • Installation of 470 solar panels on the roof of St. Albert Place and the replacement of 90 per cent of the facility’s lighting with LED lighting which will better support those with visual impairments. 
  • Electrical operating systems replacement and upgrades including fire alarm upgrades, data and communication systems upgrades.
  • Mechanical operating systems replacement and upgrades including but not limited to general upgrades to HVAC systems, including replacement of certain air handling units and radiant heaters as well as duct cleaning throughout the facility. 
  • Localized roof repairs and replacement.
  • Sky light replacement.

Potential Construction Impacts

St. Albert Place visitors can expect to hear occasional construction noise including but not limited to hammering, drilling, vacuuming and electrical saws.

It is anticipated that short power outages are needed to implement electrical improvements to the building. There will be ongoing updates and advance notice will be provided to our leaseholders so that they are able to plan accordingly around any disruptions.

Project Timeline

  • 2024 to 2026

Conceptional Renderings 

Note: renderings shown above are not considered final designs at this time and may change.

Interactive Map

Check out the City’s interactive Construction Projects Map that outlines the construction projects planned for this year!

Launch the Map


This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada

Investing in Canada green feaf


Last edited: January 6, 2025