Red Willow Park West - Grey Nuns White Spruce Park Construction
About the Project
The City of St. Albert is constructing new amenities within the Grey Nuns White Spruce Park (GNWSP) that will protect the park and forest for the long term and maintain accessibility for everyone to explore, gather, and learn more about the area.
Planning and design for the GNWSP construction is complete and includes:
- Improved access to help minimize foot traffic disturbance in the park through a multi-use trail network, which includes defined pathways into the forest.
- Addition of outdoor classrooms, natural play area, wetland lookouts, and a picnic area and shelter.
- Installation of more park amenities including bike racks, benches, wayfinding signage, waste receptacles, and portable toilets.
- Landscaping and tree and shrub planting
The City of St. Albert is committed to protecting the forest and supporting its ongoing sustainability. It is a priority for the City to minimize the impact on the forest during construction, so existing disturbed areas will be used to create the trails and park amenities.
The GNWSP is located along the east side of Ray Gibbon Drive and on the north side of the Sturgeon River, south of the Riverside neighbourhood. This construction project is part of the Red Willow Park West development, which has 3 phases that will ultimately connect residents from Ray Gibbon Drive to the downtown core and the existing Red Willow Trail System.
Phase 1 (Current Phase)
- Establish trails and pathways within the GNWSP.
Phase 2 (In Design)
- Will connect Phase 1 to the downtown core and the existing Red Willow Trail network.
Phase 3 (Planned)
- Will create a new parking lot and access point for residents in the Riverside development.
Please Note: Timelines are approximate and weather-dependent. They will be updated when new information becomes available.
- Spring 2023: Landscape completion
interactive map
Check out the City’s interactive Construction Projects Map that outlines the construction projects planned for this year!
Last edited: August 28, 2024