Fibre Optic Installation
About the Project
Starting in 2024 and continuing into 2025, Fibre Connect will be installing a fibre optic network to many of those areas of St. Albert that did not have fibre optic installation as part of previous initiatives.
Fibre Connect will subcontract the work to Ledcor Technical Services (LTS). Fibre Connect will own the network and intends to lease network capacity to a telecommunication firm, which will offer fibre services to interested customers in St. Albert.
Spring Remediation
As winter approaches, Fibre Connet will be wrapping up its construction for the season in St. Albert. This includes right of ways next to roads and lawns. They will leave these areas safe and tidy before they head out. If there is any remaining work or repairs needed from thier project team, they will return in the spring to complete this remediation. If you have any questions about this process, please contact or 1-800-503-2731.
Utiliy Right of Way
The majority of construction will take place on public boulevards and utility rights-of-way.
A portion of your yard is made up of a 'utility right of way.' This is an easement of private land that allows the City and utility companies access to buried utilities.
Individual residents and businesses will decide if they would like Fibre Connect to install the fibre optic connection from the property line to their home or business. Any installation or restoration work on private property involves an agreement between the homeowner / business owner and Fibre Connect.
The installer will complete these restorations as part of the installation. Since this work will be completed by the installer, there is no requirement for residents or businesses to contact the City of St. Albert. Also, the City is not involved in any disputes about deficiencies in remediation on private property.
Once installation is complete, homeowners and businesses, if they wish, will have the opportunity to purchase fibre optic services from telecommunications firms leasing space on the network.
Next Steps
The specific areas where Fibre Connect will be working are currently being finalized. Once plans are confirmed, Fibre Connect will issue Installation Notices to homeowners and businesses in the designated areas. Following these notices, Fibre Connect's representatives will be going door-to-door to obtain consent to install a fibre-optic line from the main network to their homes and businesses.
If you have any questions regarding construction, restoration or installation, please contact Ledcor Technical Services at 780-666-7565.Related Pages
Last edited: November 6, 2024