Millennium Park Design

Placemaking Concept

Located west of St. Albert Place along the Sturgeon River, Millennium Park has been identified as a future public gathering place for St. Albert. 

In 2018, the City of St. Albert completed a placemaking design process that involved the community to develop a design concept for MillenniumPark.  Placemaking is about working with the community to create lively new public spaces that infuse neighhbourhoods with a new sense of vibrancy.

Millennium Park will play a critical role in downtown by establishing a multi-use programmed public space linking the existing Lions Park, St. Albert Place, Red Willow Park, and the rest of the community.  The park will feature a pavilion building, an open lawn, an all-season water feature, and naturalized treed areas.

In addition to providing a vibrant public gathering place, the development of Millennium Park will leverage public investment to support broader economic development within the downtown.  Adding new great places downtown will allow the City to accommodate existing events such as the Farmer's Market and festivals, while attracting new residents and visitors who support downtown businesses and services.

View the Millennium Park Design Concept Plan

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Last edited: December 19, 2023