Utilities Master Plan

Utility Master Plans (UMPs) are critical planning documents used by the City to identify existing infrastructure improvements required to maintain levels of services as well as the infrastructure required to support growth for the next 10 to 15 years. Below are links to Utility Master Plan Updates – with one report focused on water and the other report focused on storm and sanitary infrastructure. These were accepted by Council as information in May of 2022.

The UMP has been updated to reflect:

  • New environmental regulations and standards;
  • New modelling and data analysis information based on the most recent weather patterns;
  • New population forecasts and land uses; and
  • Completed capital projects that were recommended in the 2013 Utility Master Plan.

Utility Master Plans and UMP updates support and complement the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and provide the foundation for subsequent engineering design briefs required of developers in support of their Area Structure Plans (ASP). View City of St. Albert Master Plans.

Northwest Annexation Area Bridging Document

After the provincial approval of the January 1, 2022 annexation, the City of St. Albert undertook additional engineering analysis of the newly annexed lands (transportation, wastewater, and stormwater servicing design briefs). The Northwest Annexation Area Bridging Document serves as an interim guide while more comprehensive updates to the City’s infrastructure plans are conducted to include the Annexation Area. View Northwest Annexation Area Bridging Document.

2020 Utility Master Plan Documents

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Last edited: June 27, 2023