Planning & Development

Please be advised that sanitary sewer service capacity in northeast St. Albert (Erin Ridge North, Jensen Lakes) is extremely limited. 
Please contact the Planning & Development Department if you have interest in developing in these neighbourhoods.

All available online services can be viewed at

For Development Permits: Please email completed applications and all required information to A Development Officer will review your application, and once deemed complete, you will be contacted for payment information.

For Building and Mechanical Permits: Please email completed applications and all required information to

For Planning applications (Subdivision, LUB amendment, etc.): Please email completed applications and all required informaiton to

The Planning Branch manages land use in the City, including long-range planning and forecasting, reviewing subdivision applications, formulating land use plans and policies, and conducting public consultations on proposed land-use changes. The Branch also provides mapping and addressing functions, and Affordable Housing initiatives.

The Development Branch administers the permitting and compliance certificate process as well as ensuring building and renovation design meets the high-quality standards expected in the City of St. Albert.

Planning Primer

Land use planning impacts how we experience our city, and our revised Planning Primer will help you learn why and how change occurs in St. Albert. The Planning Primer explains the types of planning documents, the roles of Administration and Council, the types of considerations used in the evaluation and approval processes. You’ll also learn how to get involved in these planning processes.

Planning Primer

Residential Density Handbook

The Residential Density Handbook includes examples of residential development compiled to provide a visual context to residential density, based on the number of dwelling units per hectare. The examples have been sourced from St. Albert, Edmonton, and Calgary.

Residential Density Handbook

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Last edited: January 2, 2025