Submit Your Invoices

General Invoice Information

Payment will be made after goods have been received and accepted at the destination stipulated, and invoices and other documentation have been processed.

The City of St. Albert recognizes the need for prompt and accurate payment of your invoices. In order for us to meet our goal of on-time payment, it is important that you take the following steps:

  1. Submit invoices directly by:

    Email – (preferred method)

    or Mail – (when email is not possible)
    City of St. Albert
    Accounts Payable
    3rd Floor, 5 St. Anne Street
    St. Albert, AB  T8N 3Z9
  2. Please ensure that the descriptions and prices indicated on your invoices are accurate and complete.
  3. Include both the purchase order number and the name of the receiving department on the invoice, if available.
  4. Ensure invoices are billed to "City of St. Albert." Library bills need to be billed to "St. Albert Public Library."

Vendors can either be paid by cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). EFT is the preferred method of payment. EFT payments are processed weekly, and cheques are processed every four weeks. In order to be paid by EFT, please complete this PDF form and email it to

Missing information and discrepancies may result in the delay of payment. The City of St. Albert is a Net 30-day account, and all invoices will be issued as such. Discounts for early payment, if offered, may be taken by the City.

Many City staff members are authorized to use the City of St. Albert - Bank of Montreal/Mastercard Procurement Card for low value purchases typically where purchase orders are not available.

Construction Invoice Information

The City of St. Albert is following the guidelines of the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act (“the Act”) for contracts entered on August 29, 2022 or later.

A proper invoice is a written bill or other request for payment of the work done or materials provided under a construction contract.

According to the Act, proper invoices must contain all the following:

  • Contractor’s name and business address
  • Date of the invoice
  • The period during the work was done or materials were provided
  • A description of the work done or materials provided
  • Amount requested for payment
  • Payment terms, broken down for the work done or materials provided
  • Name, title, and contact information of the person to be paid

If a proper invoice is not provided, the date of receipt will be revised to the future date of receiving a proper invoice. This is to ensure compliance of the “Act” and the 28-day timeline to pay invoices. 

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Last edited: October 5, 2022