Purchasing Processes
Most purchases over $10,000 are subjected to a competitive bid process to ensure that the City obtains the best value.
Construction and Major Renovation Projects
Most construction and major renovation projects for the City are administered by the Planning and Engineering Department through the Capital Projects Office. Tenders of this nature are typically advertised on the APC website, the Edmonton Construction Association website (BuildworksCanada) and the City website. Most construction tenders have a private opening.
Goods and Services
The purchases of goods and services are typically administered by the user department and Purchasing Services. Depending upon the value of the procurement, purchases of goods and services may be advertised on the Alberta Purchasing Connection website (over $75,000) or just the City website (above $50,000). In some cases (under $75,000), the tender will be issued on an invitational basis depending upon the complexity of the requirements and the knowledge of the vendor community for the particular requirement. Most goods and services tenders have a private opening.
Bid Evaluation and Contract Award
Bid submissions are evaluated based only on the criteria published in the tender documentation. Some of the criteria used are: unit/overall price, specification compliance, demonstrated experience, the ability of the bidder to perform the contract, delivery dates, previous bidder performance, references and environmental soundness and responsibility. The City awards each tender as per the instructions in the individual RFx document, typically highest evaluated or lowest price compliant bid.
St. Albert Public Library and Musée Heritage Museum
These two facilities are located in St. Albert Place; however, their purchasing activities are not usually administered by the City. Although both the Library and the Museum use City purchase orders to acquire goods and services, they are operated by independent boards and have the authority to purchase on their own. If your firm has a product or service that may be of interest to either, you should contact them directly.Related Pages
Last edited: October 18, 2021