Music of the Night: the Concert Tour


Date:  Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Start Time:  7:30 pm
Continues until completed.


The Arden Theatre
St. Albert Place
5 St. Anne Street ↗

Accessibility Features: Wheelchair icon Hearing loop icon


Sound the Alarm: Music/Theatre


$49.00 - $69.00
May not include taxes or fees

What's Happening

Andrew Lloyd Webber's 75th Birthday, and his acclaim as the most successful musical theatre composer of all time, will be celebrated through his most iconic theatrical music including selections from Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar, Sunset Blvd, and more! With a fully professional cast, we are sure this concert parade of musical offerings will overwhelm the senses. 


Follow: @soundthealarmmt

For more details visit:

Warning: This show does include water-based haze and fog effects and flashing lights.

Last edited: July 5, 2023