For Immediate Release / October 3, 2024
Accessible and Inclusive Halloween in St. Albert!
Residents are making Halloween in St. Albert accessible to everyone! This year, there are a variety of ways residents, parents and children can participate in an inclusive, allergy-friendly experience for children of all abilities.
Create a trick-or-treat experience for children of all ages and abilities.
If your home is barrier-free (i.e. curb-side setup, accessible home entrance) for trick-or-treating, add it to the Accessible and Inclusive Trick or Treating Map so parents can map their Halloween night around their children’s needs. To register your home, visit the map.
Create a safe, allergy-friendly trick-or-treat experience.
Not everyone can eat candy. Consider giving out non-edible treats such as stickers, pencils, or crayons. To register your allergy-friendly home, visit the map.
Plan your Halloween night trick-or-treat path.
Pop into the interactive map to see which homes in which St. Albert communities are barrier-free and/or allergy-friendly for trick-or-treating on Halloween night.
Join the City of St. Albert for inclusion hour at the Halloween Haunt.
This year, we are opening our event an hour early to families with boos and ghouls aged 3-12 years old to participate in a variety of activities in a sensory-safe environment. Featuring dim lights, no music, sensory kits and small crowds.
- When: Oct. 19, 2024
- Where: Servus Credit Union Place
- Time: 12 to 1 p.m.
- Learn more: https://stalbert.ca/rec/community/events/halloween/
Attend St. Albert’s Halloween Village
Treat Accessibly and St. Albert are hosting this accessible, daytime, trick-or-treat event for children of all ages and abilities.
- When: Oct. 20, 2024
- Where: Ellington Crescent, St. Albert
- Time: 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Learn more: To register, visit Treat Accessibly’s website.
We hope residents will support and participate in an accessible Halloween for children of all abilities in the community!
Learn more at stalbert.ca/inclusivehalloween
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Last edited: October 2, 2024