Healing Garden / Kâkesimokamik
The Healing Garden Documentary
OCTOBER 26, 2017 - The City of St. Albert remains committed to community reconciliation with the release of a powerful documentary that showcases the development of The St. Albert Healing Garden – one of the first of its kind in Canada.
The vital teaching tool is one of several steps that will be taken to build and develop relationships with the Indigenous community, as well as to educate City Council, Administration and the public.
View the Healing Garden Documentary (Short Version)
The Healing Garden will be located along the Red Willow Trail on the Northside of the Sturgeon River, across from St. Albert Place. St. Albert Place is home to City Hall, St. Albert Public Library, Musée Héritage Museum, Arden Theatre, several artist’s guilds and visual arts studios. The building was designed by renowned architect Douglas J. Cardinal. Echoing the curves in the winding river, Cardinal’s building is typical of his nature-focused design. His Blackfoot and Métis background provided him with a clear vision for designing gathering spaces for communities. St. Albert Place is the centre of many of the City’s major events and celebrations.
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Last edited: November 23, 2023