Incentives for Municipal Historic Resource Designation

As part of the City’s Municipal Historic Conservation Program, owners of designated Municipal Historic Resources may be eligible for financial and non-financial assistance.  


Conservation Grants

Owners of Municipal Historic Resources are eligible to apply for matching funds from the City for conservation, preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration work to character-defining elements of their property, as identified in that property’s MHR bylaw. Funding can cover costs for elements such as, but not limited to, historic paint colours, porch restoration, foundation/structural work, window repair/replacement, exterior wall repair/replacement, and conservation studies.

  • Major Conservation Grants matching up to $25,000 on a one-time-only per resource. 
  • Minor Conservation Grants matching up to $7,500 once per year.  


Land Use Bylaw Relaxations for Additional Land Uses

Relaxations such as related parking, setbacks, density and expanded use, may be allowed to retain non-conforming heritage building on a specific site. Any Land Use Bylaw relaxations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the City’s Planning Department to consider the use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.

Building Code Equivalencies

Upgrading and restoration undertaken for the rehabilitation of heritage buildings would not necessarily require conformance with current Safety Codes regulations. Certain aspects of the property may require improvements to ensure life safety, prevent accidental injury to the occupants, or reduce deterioration and long-term maintenance costs. The proposed restoration of heritage buildings must be assessed by the authority having jurisdiction, on a case by case basis, to determine which Safety Codes issues must be implemented, as a blanket application of Code requirements may not recognize the individual characteristics and inherent strengths of each building.

Local Plaque Program

Owners who designate their property will be offered a plaque. This program both helps with the recognition of the properties and advocates heritage protection at a broader level. 

Heritage Education and Technical Training

Opportunities will also be offered to owners to ensure they are aware of the significant elements of their home, as well as to learn of appropriate preservation techniques and any technical advice they wish to have to ensure the conservation of their assets. 

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Last edited: March 4, 2022