The Friends of SACT Scholarship
Scholarship Details
The Friends of St. Albert Children’s Theatre has set up this scholarship with the intention to recognize the commitment and participation of the members of this talented group after graduating high school, as they pursue post-secondary education.
- Up to two $500.00 scholarships awarded each year.
- Only candidates who meet the eligibility criteria (outlined in Part 1) will be considered for the award.
- An application may be submitted at any time during enrollment in an eligible post-secondary undergraduate Program.
- Applicants may apply more than once, but may only win the award once.
- The application must be received by midnight on October 31 and scholarship to be awarded by December 31 of that year.
- If there are no eligible applicants in a given year, then no scholarship money will be awarded, and funds will be held until suitable applicants apply.
Eligibility Criteria
A candidate must pass each of these four items before being considered for application.
- Have been a participant (cast or crew) in a minimum of 1 SACT show.
- Have participated in at least one show within high school years (grades 10, 11 or 12).
- Enrolled in an approved post-secondary institution in Alberta or Canada
- They have never received the scholarship before.
Selection/Awarding Criteria
If eligibility criteria are met, each eligible applicant will be scored as follows
- Enrolled in eligible post-secondary institution in Alberta = 100 points
- Enrolled in post-secondary institution in Canada = 75 points
- For each SACT show participated as cast or crew (not alumni) = 10 points (per show)
- For each SACT show participated as cast or crew in Grade 12 = 20 points (per show)
Notes: The Scholarship Committee has the right to consider extenuating circumstances that do not fall within these criteria on a ‘without prejudice’ basis.
Scholarship Selection Governance and Administration
Selection Committee:
- Maximum 3. For example: Friends board member, city member, Friends board member without a child (if necessary, board or city member from past). NOTE: Cannot be on the selection committee if you have a child applicant.
- By Appointment at first board meeting of the season.
- Roles and responsibilities include: Collect applications, confirm eligibility, rank each eligible application, review applications, marketing, distribution of application forms, receiving, notification, storage, answer questions, resolve conflict/ limitations
Questions can be directed to Janice Flower, Director of St. Albert Children’s Theatre or to the Scholarship Committee Chair
Scholarship Guidelines and Application are to be maintained in conjunction with the material on this governance document.
- Award disbursement: Selection Committee reviews applicants and makes a recommendation to the board. The motion to pay out is raised and approved, and then the Treasurer pays out. If possible, this award may be presented at one of the winter show events.
- Fund tracking in conjunction with SACT Treasurer.
Communication and Marketing
- The scholarship information and application form on stored on the City of St. Albert website.
- Scholarship recipient can be acknowledged on the SACT Facebook page and potentially on the City of St. Albert website, Twitter feed and Community News in the St. Albert Gazette. The recipient may also be announced at the opening night of the winter show.
Apply for the Scholarship
Friends of SACT Scholarship Online Application
Friends of SACT Scholarship Application FormRelated Pages
Last edited: January 21, 2020