Frequently Asked Questions about St. Albert Children's Theatre Auditions.

When are the auditions?

Please view the Auditions page for all relevant dates.

How can I find out about upcoming auditions?

Continue to check this website for updated audition information. We also advertise the auditions through our social media platforms and throughout St. Albert Place. 

What are the audition requirements?

  • 8 to 12 years need to prepare a song of their choice
  • 13 years to adult need to prepare both a song and a monologue of their choice.

Should I be singing with music?

Singing with some kind of accompaniment is preferred. 

We have a sound system and dongles to play an accompaniment (karaoke style) track from your device/phone. If you have sheet music and have practiced with someone playing, you can either bring an accompanist with you or use the pianist available at the audition (please do not bring music if you have never had the opportunity to practice with someone playing it).
Acapella singing is accepted but is a last resort. If you choose to sing acapella you may be asked to do some vocal exercises with our Music Director.

Do you have to have previous experience?

Individuals come from a variety of backgrounds — from the inexperienced to the seasoned performer. Although previous experience can be an asset, it is not a requirement.

What are you looking for in an audition?

We are looking at the quality of your voice (can you sing in tune?) and the interpretation of the song and the monologue.

If movement is part of the audition, we will simply look to see how quickly you pick up steps or that you have a sense of rhythm. Depending on the production, there may be a separate audition for dance.

Your attitude during the actual audition can even affect the casting decisions we make (For instance, were you paying attention to others while they were performing?). 

How should I/my child prepare for an audition?

The audition process is not an easy one — ultimately, it’s akin to a job interview. The person auditioning has approximately 6 minutes to “shine.”

The best advice that we could possibly give is to be prepared. If you learn your audition pieces the night before the audition, do not expect to be cast.

How many people will you cast?

Generally we will get anywhere from 90 to 120 people auditioning for the winter production and will cast approximately 35 to 40 people.

For the spring production we will have anywhere from 40 to 80 people auditioning for approximately 25 roles.

The largest percentages of people auditioning are females aged 11 to 13 years.

If I/my child is cast in a production, what is the time commitment? How often do you rehearse?

The rehearsal schedule can get fairly intense, particularly for the winter production. Rehearsals are generally held:

  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5 – 9:30 p.m. (the occasional Monday and Thursday 5 – 9:30 p.m. pending availability of space and actors)
  • Sundays rehearsals can occur between 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Everyone is not required for every rehearsal. However, once we are about four weeks from opening, everyone will be required at every rehearsal.

The technical rehearsals begin approximately ten days before opening. It is expected that all actors will be available for all technical rehearsals and performances. 


Where do you rehearse and perform?

All rehearsals are held at the:

City Arts Space
#105 – 125 Carleton Drive
St. Albert, AB   T8N 3S6  [directions]

Performances for the winter production are in the Arden Theatre. The performance space for the spring production will be announced at the time of the audition.

Is there a fee to participate in productions and summer programs?

There is a $175 participant fee to be involved in a St. Albert Children’s Theatre production. This fee helps offset some of the costs associated with the production including but not limited to; theatrical rights and royalties, scripts, sets, costumes, training, instruction, specialized artistic and technical personnel, rehearsal and theatre space.


What advice do you have for me/my child if I don't make it past the audition?

The best advice that we can give is not to give up. Sometimes people have to audition three or more times before they get cast.

Please feel free to contact us afterwards. We generally take very thorough audition notes and would be happy to provide you with more specific feedback regarding your audition.

Are there opportunities to become involved in a production if I don’t want to be on stage?

There are several volunteer opportunities within our organization for both youths (13+ years) and adults.

Volunteer opportunities include such things as sewing costumes, set painting, working backstage during the performances, makeup, musicians in the orchestra and ushering.

To find out more about these opportunities, contact:

Janice Flower

Where can I buy tickets for the productions?

Arden Theatre Box Office: 780-459-1542
- Online through Theatre Manager


Last edited: July 17, 2024