Downtown Business Improvement Area

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit association of business owners that join together to promote and improve the economic vitality of their business district. The 2024 tax year is the inaugural year of a BIA within St. Albert's downtown.

BIAs typically support their membership and enhance their business district through activities such as:

  • Promotion, marketing, and communications.
  • Visitor attraction and coordinating activities and events.
  • Place-making and public space improvement projects.
  • Strategic plans and market studies.
  • Member advocacy, coordination, and input.
  • Beautification and cleanliness initiatives.

The newly established downtown BIA will represent approximately 125 businesses designated within the BIA boundary in St. Albert's downtown.

In 2024, under the authority of section 20(6) of the BIA Regulation, the minimum and maximum amount payable on an individual business roll located in the BIA boundary will be $200.00.

The BIA receives its revenue from local business owners in the area. This revenue is collected by means of a Business Improvement Area Levy. The annual BIA tax bill is not requesting payment for municipal tax, rather it is a levy for business improvement funds which The City of St. Albert collects on behalf of the BIA.

Map showing Downtown Business Improvement Area
Map of Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA)

Contacts for St. Albert's Business Improvement Area:

Shannon Roche
DBA President
(Owner Divine and Free)

Alena Brown
(Eye Candy Lash Extension)

Assessment and Tax

A BIA tax requires a method of assessment which differs from the traditional property assessment. A business tax is determined using typical rents paid for similar space within the downtown. Analysis of rental information collected from landlords, tenants and building managers is used to determine the assessed value. The typical rent is then multiplied by the space occupied by the specific business creating an overall assessed value.

  • Area(ft²) x Net rental rate = Business Assessment

If you have any concerns with how the assessed value is calculated we encourage you to discuss details with one of our assessors who may be reached at

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Last edited: May 27, 2024