Infill Guidelines

What is Infill Development?

Infill Development is the process of developing vacant or underused parcels, or redeveloping existing or underused buildings, in an established neighbourhood.

St. Albert Infill Guidelines

Application Form for Infill Review

The Infill Guidelines for infill residential development exist in the following eight established neighbourhoods:

  • Akinsdale
  • Braeside
  • Forest Lawn
  • Grandin
  • Lacombe Park
  • Mission
  • Sturgeon
  • Woodlands

The established neighbourhoods, primarily developed before 1980, have streetscapes dominated by house facades with garages situated to the side or rear. The guidelines will ensure these characteristics remain while also covering development details on lot coverage, building height, front setbacks, size of the structure, and servicing.

The Infill Guidelines will help ensure new or significantly renovated homes complement the look and characteristics of other homes in the area.

These guidelines only apply to new or significantly renovated single-detached houses, semi-detached houses, and duplexes.

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Last edited: April 23, 2021