Payment Options

For the duration of the Canada Post strike, mail service will be disrupted. Residents are reminded that they are responsible for making utility bill payments on time. Please pay your utility bill through pre-authorized payments, online banking, at your bank, or drop off at City Hall. Refrain from mailing any payments until postal services resume.

Available Payment Options

Online or Telephone Banking

Paying your City of St Albert utility bill through your bank’s online service is quick and convenient. It's important to register your account number correctly so your payment is applied to the correct account. Follow the instructions below to register your account for online payments through your bank. To avoid late payments and the associated fees, allow at least three to five business days for your bank to process your payment before the penalty date.

On your bank’s website:

1. Locate the option that allows you to add or delete a payee for online payments.

2. To select a City of St Albert account, search only the words ‘St Albert’ or just 'Albert'. This has been shown to return the most consistent and accurate result.

3. Select “St Albert – Utilities.” (may vary by bank, contact your financial institution for further assistance)

4. Enter your 8-digit UTILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER found at the bottom of your bill under the barcode.

Pre-Authorized Utility Payment Plan

You can apply to make pre-authorized payments online through St. Albert's MyCity Portal

Alternatively, a signed copy of the following form (along with a VOID cheque)  can be emailed or dropped off to the Utilities Department at St. Albert Place:

Pre-Authorized Utility Payment Form

*Only the legal owner of the property can register a bank account; all other registrations will be cancelled without notice.

In-Person or By Mail

Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Regarding Payment

Please ensure that you:

  1. allow sufficient time for your payment to reach our office before the due date; and
  2. make your cheque payable to the City of St. Albert

Note: Credit cards are not accepted as a method of payment for utilities.

Late Payment Penalty

Payment is due and payable on the billing date. Payment not made within 21 days of the billing date will be subject to a late payment penalty of 2.5%. Failure to receive or loss of a bill will not be accepted as a reason for either non-payment or exemption from the late payment penalty. Dishonoured cheques are subject to an additional service charge.

Overdue Accounts / Payment Arrangements

Please call 780-459-1520 Option 2, or email to make arrangements for payment of overdue accounts and avoid disconnection of service.

Meter Readings

If we are unable to read your meter for any reason, you may be asked to read your meter and supply the reading. Please submit your meter reading using our online form or call 780-459-1520 Option 2 and leave your address and meter reading on our recording system. If a reading is not received, your consumption will be estimated.


Simplify your life and have your monthly utility bill delivered right to your email inbox! You can also view it online through our MyCity service along with five years of utility transactions and billing history for waste, water and, sewer. You can even check out the graph comparison of your average utility consumption over the last 13 months.

Register for E-billing at MyCity

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Last edited: November 22, 2024