The City is responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the City's wastewater infrastructure. This infrastructure is comprised of almost 4,000 sewer manholes, 300 kilometres of sewer mains, 9 wastewater lift stations, and over 19,000 service connections throughout St. Albert.
Services Provided
- 24-hour response to sewer backup complaints
- Scheduled residential sewer lateral maintenance and inspections (mechanical cleaning and CCTV programs)
- Respond to sewer smell complaints
- Respond to sewer manhole concerns and sewer lateral rehabilitation and replacement
Household Service Replacement
This program allows for the replacement of wastewater services to individual properties within the city. Causes for replacement vary from structural deficiencies (eg. broken lines, fractures, sags, etc...) to root intrusion. Through this program, the City is able to offer substantial cost saving to homeowners interested in replacing their portion of the service in conjunction with the City's work.
Trailer Dump Sites
Please be advised the water services to the City operated trailer dump sites are open for the season starting in May and close in October after Thanksgiving. This is dependent on weather and temperature. You may still dump at these stations before and after this time frame but there will be no water.
Trailer Dump Sites Map
Trailer dump facilities are located at 17 Riel Drive and 7 Chevigny Street.Related Pages
Last edited: November 17, 2023