Private Water Hydrant Inspections

The City of St. Albert is required to inspect, operate and maintain all public (City-owned) fire hydrants within city boundaries. The City is also qualified to perform inspections on private hydrants.

Services offered

  • Value-based pricing
  • Excellent service
  • Alberta Fire Code compliance verification

It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that inspections and operational testing are conducted for privately owned hydrants in accordance with the Alberta Fire Code.

Please complete and submit the following online application form to schedule your annual hydrant inspections and operational testing.

Private Hydrant Inspection Application

Fields with an * are required.

Please note the following: 1) This personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.A., 2000 and will be used to process your inquiry. It will be treated in accordance with the privacy protection provisions of Part 2 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection, contact the FOIP Coordinator. 2) The City does not respond to anonymous enquiries/submissions, malicious submissions, or submissions containing inappropriate or profane language; those received will be discarded by staff.

Account Information

Please note that this form is for registered owners, condo boards and property managers.

Please include the postal code.

Only required if different than service address.

Please include the postal code.

Please Note

  • The Utilities Branch requires 5 days to process the Private Hydrant Inspection Request and will confirm the number of hydrants on the property.
  • A fee of $105 per hydrant will be charged to the Utility account on a yearly basis. The fee includes the two hydrant inspections (Pressure Testing- Summer and Winterizing- Fall).
  • Private property owners shall permit entry, inspection, testing and maintenance of the hydrant by the Utilities Branch in accordance with the Alberta Fire Code.
  • The Utilities Branch will submit the proof of inspection, testing and maintenance to Fire Services to comply with the Alberta Fire Code in respect to fire hydrants.
  • The Utilities Branch will advise the owner any major/deficiencies that need to be addressed by the registered owner.



By checking the box below, I am signing this application and agree to be bound as if I had endorsed this document with my own handwritten signature.

By checking the box below, I understand that private property owners need to renew their application annually by May 31 each year in order to receive continued servicing.

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Last edited: November 17, 2023