Resources for Classrooms

The City of St. Albert offers a variety of presentations, activities, and resources on reducing waste.

Elementary and Junior High Presentations for Classrooms

The City of St. Albert offers presentations that align with the Alberta Science Curriculum.

Waste and Our World (Grade 4)

Presentation length: 25-40 minutes

Learn about the four streams of waste processed within the city of St. Albert, what happens to waste once it is disposed and the various diversion programs available.

Students will complete a fill-in-the-blank worksheet throughout the presentation. 

Optional Activities:

  1. Sorting Game (Delivered by City Staff)
    Students will test their WasteWise knowledge and work together to properly sort different types of waste into their various streams. Approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Waste and Our Habits (Grade 7)

Presentation length: 30-45 minutes

Briefly discuss the four streams of waste processed within the city of St. Albert, and learn the importance of waste diversion and what happens when waste is not properly disposed. 

We will examine how humans and a throwaway society impact the marine environment.

Students will complete a fill-in-the-blank worksheet throughout the presentation. 

Optional Activities:

  1. You've Got Time (Delivered by City Staff)
    Students will estimate how long various household waste items take to decompose in a landfill. Approximately 15 minutes to complete.
  2. Waste Diary (Delivered by School Instructor)
    Teachers can choose to complete two waste diaries – one before and another after – in order to give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to their daily waste habits. 
    Please note: this activity is not part of the scheduled presentation and must be completed at a separate time.

Green Organics Cart School Program

Presentation length: 15 minutes

Schools in St. Albert can participate in the curbside Green Organics Cart program to divert organic waste from the landfill.

For schools currently participating in the program, we offer a presentation to refresh staff and students on ‘What Goes In?’ the Green Organics Cart.

Schools new to the program can receive a kick-off presentation to inform staff and students ‘What Goes In?’ and how the program will work at their school.

Note: This presentation is also available as a pre-recorded video.

Additional Resources (Worksheets)

In addition to presentations, the City of St. Albert offers a variety of worksheets for classrooms.

Be WasteWise Colouring & Activity Book

Journey of the Brown Garbage Cart

Journey of the Green Organics Cart

Journey of the Blue Recycling Bag


To request a virtual presentation, please fill out the following form.

Waste Presentation Request Form

Fields with an * are required.

Please note the following: 1) This personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.A., 2000 and will be used to process your inquiry. It will be treated in accordance with the privacy protection provisions of Part 2 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection, contact the FOIP Coordinator. 2) The City does not respond to anonymous enquiries/submissions, malicious submissions, or submissions containing inappropriate or profane language; those received will be discarded by staff.

Contact Information

Class Information

Presentation Options

Please select which presentation(s) you would like, along with the extra activities (if desired).

Preferred Delivery Method

Please select which delivery method you would like.

If you've chosen the virtual delivery method, please let us know what platform you'd prefer using.
(e.g. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.)

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Last edited: November 7, 2024