Styrofoam Recycling 101
If you’re ever in doubt regarding whether an item falls on the acceptable or unacceptable list after reviewing the video below and Styrofoam Recycling Sorting Guide, please send a picture to wastewise@stalbert.ca or ask our staff on-site.
The City of St. Albert is excited to announce it has expanded Styrofoam recycling at the Mike Mitchell Recycling Depot.
Certain types of soft foam, coloured foam and meat trays are now able to be recycled along with previously accepted clean white packing blocks from electronics, appliances or furniture.
Watch the video below to learn more about what types of Styrofoam are acceptable and how to identify them:
Video length - 1:43
Download and print the Styrofoam Recycling Sorting Guide
Acceptable Items
To determine if your Styrofoam is recyclable, check the item for a #4, #5, or #6 label and bring these items to the Mike Mitchell Recycling Depot. Recyclable items must be clean and dry so they don't contaminate other products.
Unaccceptable Items
Continue to place food take-out containers, packing peanuts and other items labelled with #7 in the Brown Garbage Cart. Items should not be placed in Blue Recycling Bags as they easily break down in the transportation process.
Also, be sure to download the BeWasteWise app or learn more about What Goes Where.
Mike Mitchell Recycling Depot
The Mike Mitchell Recycling Depot is located beside the Public Operations building at:
7 Chevigny Street
St. Albert, AB
T8N 5A3
Last edited: June 23, 2023