"What Goes Where?” Green Organics Cart Tips
The City is seeing items that do not belong in the Green Organics Cart. Unacceptable materials (contamination) such as garbage and hazardous waste may increase program costs and lower the quality of the finished compost.
Not sure where an item goes? Click on "What Goes Where?" for sorting tips on the Be Waste Wise App!
Green Organics Cart Journey
Learn about what happens to your organics after you walk away from your Green Organics Cart!
Unacceptable Materials
To-go coffee cups are made of mixed plastic and paper that cannot be composted. Please place these items in the Brown Garbage Cart.
Remove food wrapping or packaging before putting food into the Green Organics Cart. Packaging such as Styrofoam and plastic will not break down and turn into compost.
When lining your kitchen catcher, use certified compostable bags or create your own Organics Origami newspaper liner.
Bottle deposit containers will not break down and turn into compost. Broken glass can also ruin finished compost the City gives away for resident use. Return bottle deposit containers for a refund at a bottle depot.
Working on your garden? Broken or unwanted plant pots and trays go in the Brown Garbage Cart.
Dispose of hazardous waste safely at the Mike Mitchell Recycling Depot or a City of Edmonton Facility. Improper disposal can harm staff and the environment
Plastic bags go in the Brown Garbage Cart. Loose plastic bags in the Green Organics Cart will not breakdown and can get caught in and damage equipment at the compost pad.
Construction and demolition waste like treated wood or insulation will not break down and turn into compost. Dispose of this waste at a City of Edmonton Facility.
Extra garbage can be disposed of at the Mike Mitchell Recycling Depot with “extra garbage” tags if it does not fit in your Brown Garbage Cart.
Consider reuse! Donate gently used textile items such as clothing or bedding at the Recycling Depot or to community groups/charities. Items not suitable for reuse go in the Brown Garbage Cart.
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Last edited: January 16, 2023