Circuit #2 - Lower Body

The Workout


Before undertaking the circuit, we recommend doing at least two minutes of cardiovascular activity such as jogging, jumping jacks or skipping. Some stretching can be done beforehand if there are areas of tightness.

Leg Presses

Leg press start      Leg press end

The Leg Press is designed to work the quadriceps. Push both feet evenly into the plate. Control the movement on the way back. It is designed to build strength, not speed. Perform 10-15 reps.

Calf Raises

Calf raise start      Calf raise end

The Calf Raise is designed to work the calf muscles and ankle joint. Push the balls of the feet evenly into the plate so that heels lift and slowly lower the heels back down (note that the heels have lifted in the second image). Repeat this movement. Perform 10-15 reps.

Basic Squats

Basic squat start.      Basic squat end.

No machines are necessary for the squat. The squat is a functional exercise performed every day. A proper squat includes weight balanced equally on both feet (hip-width apart), and the knees remaining in line with the toes. Sit down as if into an imaginary chair, and then push up through mid to front foot as you extend hips and knees simultaneously. Extend fully at the top and slowly lower back into the chair position. Repeat. Three counts down, two counts up (for timing). Perform 10-15 reps.

Perform three rounds of the above to complete this workout.

After Your Workout

Our stretches page offers suggestions on keeping your muscles loose to help your recovery.



Is this workout right for you?

Regular physical activity is fun, healthy and safe for most participants; however, some should consult with their doctor prior to committing to this or any other exercise routine. If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by considering the seven questions posed in our participation questionnaire. Please note that for the Lions Park Fitness Circuit, this form is for reference purposes only, and no signed documents are required to make use of the equipment. Be safe, know your limits, and enjoy!

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Last edited: January 24, 2020