Circuit #4 - Total Body

The Workout


Before undertaking the circuit, we recommend doing at least two minutes of cardiovascular activity such as jogging, jumping jacks or skipping. Some stretching can be done beforehand if there are areas of tightness.


Push up start.      Push up start #2.

Push up end.      Push up end #2

The Push Up Station can work the chest or triceps. Beginners should use the higher handles at first and then gradually switch to the lower ones over time to increase difficulty. Lock in your shoulder blades and lower the chest towards the bar. Press evenly into hands and extend the elbows. Perform 10 reps.



The plank is useful to improve abdominal strength. Place elbows under shoulders and extend legs behind. Keep hips level and hold the position for 30-60 seconds.


Step up start.      Step up end.

The Step Station focuses mainly on the quads. Tall posture, step up with one leg, avoiding a push off the ground. Balance as the hips come to full extension. Return the trailing foot to the ground and step down. Perform 10 steps per side.


Alternative step up motion.

For a more challenging workout, consider keeping the weight in the right foot, step up with the left leg, trying not to press off the ground. Drive the right knee up and balance on the left. Step back down with the right leg. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Perform three rounds of the above to complete this workout.

After Your Workout

Our stretches page offers suggestions on keeping your muscles loose to help your recovery.



Is this workout right for you?

Regular physical activity is fun, healthy and safe for most participants; however, some should consult with their doctor prior to committing to this or any other exercise routine. If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by considering the seven questions posed in our participation questionnaire. Please note that for the Lions Park Fitness Circuit, this form is for reference purposes only, and no signed documents are required to make use of the equipment. Be safe, know your limits, and enjoy!

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Last edited: January 24, 2020