Apply for an OSCP

On-Street Construction Permit applications must be completed by the applicant and be received by the City five business days before the commencement of work.

Tell us about your project.

Fields with an * are required.

Please note the following: 1) Personal information provided in submissions relating to the On Street Construction Permit Application is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c F-25, for the purpose of processing the OSCP applications. Information collected will be treated in accordance with the privacy protection provisions of Part 2 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact the City’s FOIP Coordinator. 2) The City does not respond to anonymous enquiries/submissions, malicious submissions, or submissions containing inappropriate or profane language; those received will be discarded by staff.

The Applicant

Please provide details for an individual with knowledge of the work.

Provide your 8-digit licence number (if available)

Site Management

If your previous phone number will not reach you in the field, please provide a suitable alternative here.

Project Details

Provide the street address, approximate address range, or intersection detail.

Provide a detailed description of the specific work related to this permit request.

Is this permit request associated with a Capital Project, Development Agreement or Development Permit? If so, provide that reference number.

Provide a diagrams/sketches detailing the traffic control devices and signage intended to safely manage the planned lane/sidewalk/trail closure or detour.

Accepted file formats: pdf doc docx jpg jpeg png

Is there anything else that we should know about this project for our review?


  • All traffic control materials & equipment must be maintained in good condition as detailed in the latest edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada.
  • All traffic control persons must be certified by an accredited training facility and always use a “Stop/Slow” paddle.
  • The applicant accepts responsibility and rehabilitate the work zone as per City of St. Albert Municipal Engineering Standards.
  • The applicant must coordinate with the Utility Safety Partners’ Locate Service by calling 1-800-242-3447.
  • The applicant must contact the City's Traffic Signal & Fiber Locates Service (  a minimum of five business days before excavation.
  • City Locates For Water, Wastewater and Storm: The applicant shall contact the City of St. Albert’s Utilities Branch at 780-459-1557 or online for Water, Wasterwater and Stormwater locates a minimum of ten business days in advance of construction activities to review the planned scope and location of work, and to conduct field verifications if necessary. At the discretion of the Utilities branch representative, the applicant may be required and responsible to hydrovac daylight city utilities prior to commencement of construction activities.

– Please Note –

An approved On-Street Construction Permit (OSCP) may be reviewed, modified and/or cancelled at anytime with notification to the applicant.

Last edited: January 2, 2024